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When is it legal to commit a legitimate defense

Terminate The Employment Contract Without Notice

Terminate The Employment Contract Without Notice 2560 1707 Amal Khamis Advocates & Legal Consultants

Under the UAE Labour Law, an employee is entitled to “early termination compensation” of a minimum of three months’ remuneration

termination compensation

Answer: Yes

But only in the following cases

  1. If the worker adopts a false identity or nationality or submits forged certificate or documents;

2. If the worker is engaged on probation and is dismissed during the probationary or on its expiry;

  1. If the worker makes a mistake resulting in a substantial material loss for the employer, on condition that the latter notifies the Ministry of Labour of the incident within 48 hours of his becoming aware of its occurrence;
  2. If the worker disobeys instructions respecting industrial safety or the safety of the workplace, on the condition that such instructions are in writing and have been posted up at a conspicuous place and, in the case of an illiterate worker, that he has been acquainted with them orally;
  3. If the worker does not perform his basic duties under the contract of employment and persists in violating them despite the fact that he has been the subject of a written investigation for this reason and that he has been warned that he will be dismissed if such behavior continues;
  4. If the worker reveals any secret of the establishment in which he is employed;
  5. If the worker is finally sentenced by a competent court for an offense involving honor, honesty, or public morals;
  6. If the worker is found in a state of drunkenness or under the influence of a drug during working hours;
  7. If, while working, the worker assaults the employer, the responsible manager, or any of his workmates;
  8. If the worker is absences from his work without a valid reason for more than 20 non-consecutive days, or more than seven consecutive days, in any one year.
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