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Compensation of a medical mistake
Compensation Of A Medical Mistake 800 800 Amal Khamis Advocates & Legal Consultants

Compensation Of A Medical Mistake

What if The Doctors Committed a Medical Mistake? The doctor mistreated me and caused me health problems, What is the liability of the doctor and the hospital, and to who I shall resort? Am I entitled to compensation? If an error is found by the doctor that results in damage to the patient, the patient…

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Collecting Commercial Debt
Claiming For Collecting Commercial Debt 800 800 Amal Khamis Advocates & Legal Consultants

Claiming For Collecting Commercial Debt

According to the 2021 Global Ranking on Debt Collection, UAE is one of the most challenging places in the world for recovering the debt I demand a limited liability company to repay commercial debt, but the company has refused to pay. What are the legal procedures taken in this situation to Collect The Debt? Debt collection: What…

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How To Turn To Arbitration 800 800 Amal Khamis Advocates & Legal Consultants

How To Turn To Arbitration

How To Turn To Arbitration, Arbitration Clause in the agreement Regulation of Commercial and Business Agreements Our lawyers have the know-how and instincts required to provide for and ensure your rights by reviewing Commercial or business agreements in the most sophisticated industries, in new and emerging legal environments, and in highly mature markets. The breadth…

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When Can the Court commute the punishment
Commute The Punishment And Reduce It On The Accused 800 800 Amal Khamis Advocates & Legal Consultants

Commute The Punishment And Reduce It On The Accused

Do we have any chance to have the jail sentence reduced? When can the court commute the punishment and reduce it on the accused? jail sentence reduced The young age of the defender or committing the crime while not having malicious motives or of the serious provocation of the wrongdoing made by the victim. When can the…

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breaching of contracting agreement in uae
Breaching Of Contracting Agreement in UAE Law 800 800 Amal Khamis Advocates & Legal Consultants

Breaching Of Contracting Agreement in UAE Law

Failure to adhere to the obligations of the contract is termed a Breach of Contract in the UAE I contracted with a contracting company to build a villa and paid the agreed contract price, but the company abstained from fulfilling its obligation” Breach of Contract”. What are my rights to this company and do I have…

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Pay Attention When Buying Property In Dubai 1500 1179 Amal Khamis Advocates & Legal Consultants

Pay Attention When Buying Property In Dubai

15 Useful legal tips you shall be aware of before buying a property in UAE You should know these legal tips before buying your house, villa, or flat by Consulting a Property Lawyer. 15 useful legal tips you shall know before buying a Property in Dubai United Arab Emirates: Property Lawyer in Dubai There is…

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Touching Person Under 14 Years 1500 1495 Amal Khamis Advocates & Legal Consultants

Touching Person Under 14 Years

Does touching the body of a person under 14 years considered a mutual consent indecent assault crime? Indecent assault may be committed against males or females” sexual harassment“. The answer is as follows: Indecent assault is an offense of aggravated assault in some common law-based jurisdictions. It is characterized as a sex crime and has…

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Legal Consultation
4 Steps to avoid a contract dispute 1200 800 Amal Khamis Advocates & Legal Consultants

4 Steps to avoid a contract dispute

Contract Disputes ” Tips “ What is the Best Way to Avoid UAE Contract Disputes? These are the 4 Steps You Can Take Today. When moving to the UAE, most people will want their contract disputes with a local lawyer. But before you make any decisions about legal representation, it’s essential to understand what a…

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Legal Consultation
4 reasons why you need a police check 1200 800 Amal Khamis Advocates & Legal Consultants

4 reasons why you need a police check

Why do you have to check your criminal status? Safety Tips for Travelers to Avoid Potential Arrest Before Visiting Dubai or the UAE: Safety Tips for Travelers to Avoid Potential Arrest Before Visiting Dubai or the UAE: “Standard Police Check” and Criminal Status. If you plan to visit Dubai or UAE, it would be wise…

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Best Criminal Lawyer in Dubai
Expert Criminal Defense Attorney 900 600 Amal Khamis Advocates & Legal Consultants

Expert Criminal Defense Attorney

First Thing To Remember We have over 30 years of experience in UAE’s legal environment with a deep understanding of the region’s social and legal infrastructure. Our superior performance and client-first approach have helped us gain the reputation of one of the most efficient law firms in Dubai and Also undeniably the Best Criminal Lawyers…

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Legal Consultation
Finding The Best Criminal Defense Lawyer in Dubai 1200 800 Amal Khamis Advocates & Legal Consultants

Finding The Best Criminal Defense Lawyer in Dubai

FINDING THE BEST CRIMINAL DEFENSE LAWYER IN DUBAI If you are facing the threat of serious legal penalties or long imprisonment, it is vital to find a qualified criminal lawyer who can defend you. Such a lawyer prepares himself to defend the accusations charged at his client through extensive research. Criminal defense lawyers have to…

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Maritime Law
Application of the Federal Offences and Penalties 2560 1707 Amal Khamis Advocates & Legal Consultants

Application of the Federal Offences and Penalties

Application of the Federal Offences and Penalties Act On foreign board Ships (exceptionally) The provisions of the Federal Penal Code No. 31 of 2021 accordingly with maritime law apply to anyone who commits an offence in the country’s territory. The State’s territory includes its territory and every place under its sovereignty, including the territorial waters…

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